#Nasus Jungle played by "Nasus Xuxi Móvel@BR20", BR Grandmaster 486 LP
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Match detail:
- Queue: Ranked Solo/Duo
- Skin: Battlecast Nasus
- Primary Rune: Phase Rush
00:00 Ban & Pick
00:15 Runes & Abilities
01:37 Gameplay
03:42 Team FIGHT
04:22 Gameplay
06:13 Team FIGHT
06:50 Hunt The Dragon
07:33 Get a Double Kill
08:10 Gameplay
10:05 Team FIGHT
10:31 Hunt The Void Grubs
11:22 Gameplay
12:33 Hunt The Dragon
13:10 Team FIGHT
13:34 Get a SOLO KILL
13:49 Gameplay
15:57 Get a Double Kill
16:33 Gameplay
18:03 Hunt The Dragon
18:31 Gameplay
19:34 Team FIGHT
19:53 Get a SOLO KILL
20:10 Hunt The Atakhan
20:37 Gameplay
21:12 Team FIGHT
21:40 Take down The Turret
22:27 Take down The Inhibitor
22:43 Gameplay
23:23 Hunt The Dragon
23:55 Team FIGHT
24:18 Take down The Turret
24:25 End credit
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