According to Freedom House, a Washington DC-based organisation that tracks democracy and threats to freedom around the world, Pakistan was ranked “partly free” and declined three points from the year prior. The points reflected conditions for political and civil liberties in a country. Pakistan was also ranked among the countries with the largest 10-year declines in freedom and declined by 10 points. One hopes the government does not start wearing this up their sleeves as it really does show the ugly face of reality. The state being extremely threatened by a national conference taking place in the federal capital says it all. But how long can they govern matters like this? A divided Opposition, with clear differences, can even place the incumbents in an awkward spot. In this video, we discuss the expansion of federal cabinet with now even more ministers, advisors, SAPMs added in, while we go begging around the world for loans to repay the existing debt. The cabinet now includes the dissident PTI MNA, who voted in favour of 26th amendment, swearing under the names of Allah not to have received any favour from the Govt. #pakistan #imrankhan #nationalsecurity