Buy Link of this Henna and Indigo👇
I launched this product in my website for my subscribers.
STEP 1 👇
1. In a bowl, soak the Henna Powder (25 gms for short hair, 50 gms for shoulder length hair, 100 gms for long hair) with Tea Water overnight.
2. The next day, apply the paste on clean, product-free hair for 90-120 minutes, depending on preferred intensity.
3. Rinse thoroughly only with water
* Do not use shampoo.
4. Now Henna would have covered all the grey or white hairs with dark reddish tint.
STEP 2 👇
1. After Henna is washed from your hair, let the hair dry completely.
2. Now mix the Indigo Powder (25 gms for short hair, 50 gms for shoulder-length hair, 100 gms for long hair) in warm water and add a pinch of salt and stir well to prepare a paste.
Note- Leave this paste for 10 minutes in the bowl itself, once its colour change to Blueish black then its ready for application. Usually color of indigo changes from Green to Black in less than 15mins once it is mixed with Hot water and pinch of salt.
3. Now apply this Paste on your hair in less than 15 mins of preparing the paste, using gloves or hair dye brush, make sure you apply evenly and more care is given on the grey hair areas.
4. Leave on hair for minimum 2hrs, or more, depending on preferred intensity.
5. Rinse thoroughly with water only.
Note- Wash your hair with a shampoo next day.
* Following these two steps will result in the desired natural black hair color. You can use this method to color your hair twice-thrice a month.
Based on hair thickness results may vary
This product doesn't have any preservaties or any other chemicals. It's completely safe to apply in Hair and wont cause any harm to your hair since its natural and has lots of benefits to Hair. Still patch test is recommended 😊.
Henna and Indigo Link 👇
Order from my Instagram page directly 👆