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有看過撞到月亮的樹嗎?療癒又奧妙的森林【神殿】柯金源|紀錄片|Nature Documentary about Taiwan's Graceful Forest|Bilingual Subtitles

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#神殿 #forest #陳玉峰 #柯金源 #紀錄片 #紀錄觀點 ▋Sacred Forest 神殿 台灣的森林生態系特色,從海岸水域到四千公尺的高山環境中,分布著四千四百多種原生維管束植物,部分種類是兩億年前的冰河孑遺植物,有些物種更深具聯合國「世界自然遺產」的價值。例如,「紅檜」、「扁柏」、「台灣杉」、「玉山圓柏」,皆是台灣特有珍貴古老樹種,更受到國內外植物生態學界的重視。 《神殿》紀錄片以獨特觀點,詮釋古老森林美學、生態哲學內涵。影片中植物學家陳玉峰教授用敬畏、讚嘆的視野,演繹植物演化史,以及森林生態系的多樣性與功能,同時以環境倫理的觀點,講述台灣霧林生態系統的奧妙;也映照出人類與山林水土環境的互動關係。 ▋柯金源 Ke Chin-Yuan|60mins| 2019 Taiwan’s forest ecosystem extends from its ocean shores up into mountains reaching 4,000m above sea level. Taiwan is home to some 4,400 distinct endemic vascular plant species som e of which found their way to the island as long as 2 million years ago in the early Pleistocene . A number of these species clearly meet United Nations World Natural Heritage standards in terms of their importance, exceptionality , andlimited range. Sacred Forest takes a n eco philosophical approach to introduce the deeply unique nature of Taiwan’s cloud enveloped cypress forest ecosystems and to explore the nation’s oldest forests, tallest tree species, and priceless, multi millennial stands of giant ‘sacred trees ’. Furthermore, t his film reflects on the reciprocal relationship between humans and forest environments, and considers the future of the latter and its inevitable repercus sions on the former Sacred Forest follows six separate groups, each with different interests and field specialties, as they experience the raw majesty of the forest from multiple facets ranging from the analytically intellectual and eco hilosophical to the introspectively emotional and spiritually uplifting. 森 》 導演專欄》 觀點專頁 》
