No music, just the sounds associated with the wind and nature! Great sailing, inflatable supping, island hopping, nature reserves, bad weather, lots of wind and beautiful anchorages in the Netherlands.
0:00 Sailing with 24 knots wind.
0:30 From the Nauticat 36 on the inflatable sup.
1:56 Sailing with the 70 m2 Blister sail close to the wind.
3:06 Very bad weather on anchor with more than 30 knots wind!
4:22 Sailing with the 70 m2 Blister sail on the wind.
4:46 Heavy wind en fun with sailing
7:14 Heavy rain on anchor.
7:59 Nice Sailing close to the wind.
11:20 On the inflatable sup in a nice water.
15:25 Self-tacking Jib system bij Nice Sailing close to the wind.
20:25 Beautiful anchoring with yelly-fish.
21:21 A night with the Nauticat 36 on a island.
22:35 Beautiful anchoring with yelly-fish.
24:17 Sailing with the 70 m2 Blister sail on the wind.
26:18 From the Nauticat 36 on the inflatable sup.
27:07 Nice Sailing close to the wind.
28:15 Beautiful anchoring with the sun
39:03 Heavy wind and the Ford Engine 90 HP have to work.
39:44 Beautiful anchoring with a nature reserve.
30:15 Nice and hard Sailing close to the wind.