Presenting the new Bengali song "Nayano Sarasi Keno" from the album "Aaj Tumi Kato Dure". Enjoy the soulful voice of Abhijit, with music composed by Kishor Kumar and lyrics penned by Mukul Dutta.
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Album - Aaj Tumi Kato Dure
Song - Nayano Sarasi Keno
Singer - Abhijit
Composer - Kishor Kumar
Lyrics - Mukul Dutta
Label - Atlantis Music
#NayanoSarasiKeno #Abhijit #AajTumiKatoDure #BengaliSongs #LatestBengaliSongs #AtlantisMusic #KishorKumar #MukulDutta #BengaliHits #BengaliMusic
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