Ne Obliviscaris' (Misericorde I) - As the Flesh Falls and (Misericorde II) - Anatomy of Quiescence seamlessly joined together.
0:00 Misericorde I
7:33 Misericorde II
Artwork source: Official Exul (2023) album cover art
Thumbnail source: DALL-E outpainted + Adobe Photoshop into a 16:9 image
Audio source: From flac files ripped via WEB-DL at over 2700 kb/s, 96 kHz. Compiled and encoded using ffmpeg with LAME into an average 271 kb/s VBR, 48kHz transparent audio file.
Original size (pre-YouTube re-encoding): 41MB (Audio 33Mb + Image 8MB)
Video is at 1 fps to minimise bandwidth usage (-r 1 -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -pix_fmt yuv420p)
Ne Obliviscaris allow re-uploads of their songs, no copyright issues here.