Fun & Interesting

Near-Instant Black Clothing - The Cadian Castellan as a Commissar [How I Paint Things]

Sonic Sledgehammer Studio 14,758 2 years ago
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Obviously, if you like the new commissar miniature, all these same methods will work on him as well! 00:00 - Intro 01:12 - Conversion Note & Priming 02:28 - "No Highlight Black" 06:21 - Basecoats 12:01 - Shading 13:06 - Highlights 16:41 - The Finished Castellommissar Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan, Kyrie, Andrew, Jimmy, Rod, Phil, Robison and Woodcock - as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links: THE BASE: Stirland Mud, drybrushed with Golgfag Brown and then Tyrant Skull. Paint the base rim in Rhinox Hide, add a few very small dots of PVA to stick static grass in random spots on both the 'dirt' and the rubble. Done! PAINTS USED: PRIMER: Mechanicus Standard Grey (Citadel Spray Can) CITADEL: Ulthuan Grey (Layer) White Scar (Layer) Black Templar (Contrast) Mephiston Red (Base) Averland Sunset (Base) Gal Vorbak Red (Base) Iron Hands Steel (Base) Retributor Armour (Base) Corax White (Base) Tyrant Skull (Dry) Agrax Earthshade (Shade) Lahmian Medium (Technical) Cadian Fleshtone (Layer) Kislev Flesh (Layer) Ungor Flesh (Layer) Wild Rider Red (Layer) Gorthor Brown (Layer) Wazzdakka Red (Layer) Aethermatic Blue (Contrast) Asurmen Blue (Contrast) Liberator Gold (Layer) ARMY PAINTER: Tanned Flesh VALLEJO: Leather Brown (or Dryad Bark) Black Steel (Model Air) VARNISH: Varnish+ (Instar) 'Ardcoat (Citadel Technical - on the plasma pistol)
