You asked and we have delivered! A beginners guide to the Necrons of Warhammer 40k.
0:00:19 The Beginning For Once
0:01:44 Grass-Fed Organic Meat
0:06:13 Cosmic Horror side-track
0:11:14 The Deciever
0:13:45 C'tan Side Tangent
0:18:14 Biotransference transformation
0:21:50 The War in Heaven simplified
0:24:22 but you know what is easy
0:26:10 the necrons revolt
0:27:11 The big Sleep
0:29:30 The big wake up
0:33:04 Necron Politics
0:34:50 Orikan
0:36:50 Trayzn The Infinite
0:38:53 Nemssor Zahndrekh and Varguard Obyron
0:45:26 Imotekh The Storm Lord
0:48:25 Trazyn The Infinite Again
0:49:19 Ai Discussion time
Discover the captivating history of the Necrons, ancient robotic warriors in the Warhammer 40k universe, with our in-depth podcast episode. Join us as we dive deep into their origins as organic beings on a radiation-ridden planet, their desperate quest for immortality, and their fateful encounter with the Old Ones. Explore the Necrontyr's transformation into the fearsome Necrons, their alliance with the deceptive C'tan, and the devastating war that followed. #Necrons #Warhammer40k #Immortality #OldOnes #Ctan
Learn how the Necrons eventually overcame the Old Ones and turned on their C'tan masters, leading to a long hibernation and a tentative reawakening in the current 40k timeline. As they strive to rebuild their empire, the Necrons display a surprising range of personalities and motivations, despite their robotic nature. #Reawakening #NecronEmpire #RobotRenaissance
In addition to the Necron saga, we also discuss the ongoing machine revolution in today's world, touching on AI advancements such as Deep Blue, Alpaca 7b, and NVIDIA AI Foundations. Delve into the implications of these innovations for creative tasks and how they may shape the future of digital art, customer service, and more. #AI #MachineRevolution #DeepBlue #Alpaca7b #NVIDIA
Finally, we ponder the warnings and thoughts of visionaries like Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking on AI and its potential risks. Don't miss this fascinating exploration of both fictional and real-life robotic sagas, and join the conversation with our podcast episode on the Necrons and the machine revolution. #BillGates #StephenHawking #ArtificialIntelligence #FutureTechnology
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Opinions expressed in this video are solely those of Isyander & Koda and in no way reflect the views or opinions of Games Workshop Ltd.
Artwork throughout this video is used for educational purposes. if you see your artwork and would like an art credit, message me.