After taking you away from your horrible village, a lonely witch keeps you in her cottage. The intense, needy affection of this yandere girl is hard to resist, especially since her love can be spellbinding. Luckily, you don’t want to fight it! Sure, she kidnapped you, magically collared and marked you as hers, and sometimes pins you in bed with spells just for cuddles, but being her spoiled, pampered pet isn’t so bad. All the kisses, loving touches and snuggles you could want is a pretty good trade!
f4a • (slightly) unhinged • spellbound listener • magically compelled cuddles, then willing cuddles; she wants you to fall for her...and you're into it • forest rain + cauldron + fireplace = cozy witch cottage vibes • living dolls • comfy • obsession • magic • pet names • over the top l-bombs • comfort • and a bit of reverse comfort • sweet, silly, a bit spicy but not lewd • kisses • giggles
Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
Script by: it_rains_blue_here
SFX/Music: Licensed from Envato elements; other SFX from all under public domain/CC0 licenses
Current Anonymous Cinnamon Rolls: 14
Red Velvet Patrons: Abi Colleen, Alex Alfaro, Alex Price, Alonso Jones, Angel Lopez, Argo, Bingo Bongo, BionicLegs, Blacklisted 756, Bookwyrm, breadfan, Cameron, Carter Reaves, CGWArts, Cheese Case of Dilla, Cheezy, Cmm1001, Colin Zachau, Cheyse Turner, Dad Bod’ Is Peak, DeadCole24, DeathScythe, DR42, Dragoon, Drew Thomas, E, Eric Kinnan, FeistyFae, Femur4, Fynch, Gabe Elder, GflHT, Ghost48, Gingie, HellFireRevenant, IDrxpBxdies, Jack, Jack 827, JaggedTanuki, Jaedan Andre, Joseph Brown, Kai Cartoons, kannthus, Kindred Aspirant, King of Kings Jay, Krious319, Kyle, Lathe26, Lilly, Medusa Celeste, Melonraid, Melow, Michael, Midir, MonkeyMan543, N Groggy, Nestor, NO_USERNAME_FOUND, OrangeLightning, OrangeMarvin, PaperNess, PCVlogzYT, Polarfaust, Q, Respawn753, RiderCruise, Ruki, SebbelBasti, Shelcy Rodriguez, Spenser Whalen, Spooderman, Squid, Steven D, stove_enjoyer, strobi100, Terry Li, ThatRandomBystander, The Musical One, ThereIsAnOctopus, Thesadturtle, Thyrin, Very Hungry Caterpillar, WickJohn321, X, yes sir, Zachary, Zero oni, Zett04
Black Velvet Patrons (Producers): Auri, BadBear, bean os, Birbman, BOBb, Branch King, chad drake, ChaplainBald, Codey Jacques, Cyrus, david james, Douglas Totally Straight Up Anonymous Yo, Dragon Prince, Earl of Hounds, Euan, Ezequiel Ramirez, Firepaw, Fredrik Hansson, HalcyonBlade,Isaiah G, IZAAK, JA_0505, Jake C, Jason Chappell, Joe, Jordie, Julian b, Knighthawk, littleaggro, M3M3, Macbeef, Michael White, midnight darkness, Moltor 56, Mr Napair, Mr. Nobody, nicko hatch, Noirrad, NotAHero, Nugget-1987, Nørdîç böī, OGSenpai01, PrimeTitan, PsionicsKnight, Riley Castro, Ross, Russell or Russ, Sam Corvia, Santiago Comid, sasafrazz, Schwxn, Sean Black, Shadow, skada99, SleepySeb, SoloWingGalm, Supersonic94, that1otherjake, The Advocate, TheSleepingWildlandMan, Tomas, Travis Wharton, twon, VanGhoul, YoBaronICanDigIt, zero snow, Ztech
Sugar on Top Patrons (Sugars): Sugar Alex, Sugar Alpacalunch01, Sugar Sparky Anthony Estala, Sugar B1ue 7eaper, Sugar Battlizer, Sugar Friend Beef, Sugar Beeposaurus, Sugar Big guy, Sugar Burstniart, Sugar Caliburn Reaper of the Multiverse, Sugar Carlos Gamba, Sugar Casey Hernandez, Sugar Christian Venticinque, Sugar Coffeegirl, Sugar Cole Blackwood, Sugar Crispy Donut, Sugar CyberWolf07, Sugar Daddy cylema, Sugar Daedäan, Sugar daytimedrinker1, Sugar Deadwolf, Sugar Deanster, Sugar Delta Lead, Sugar doexus, Sugar Dragon Princess, Sugar Drunkachino, Sugar Drunkmonkey, Sugar Dylan Mazur, Sugar Eurobeater, Sugar FatYajirobe, Sugar Fish, Sugar Fox, Sugar Gabriel, Sugar Mama Goods, Sugar Grassrose, Sugar Garfunkel, Sugar Heidi, Sugar Hugo A, Sugar Hutton gilgeours, Sugar Jake Forgea, Sugar Joey, Sugar Jordan Peterson, Sugar Keene Marlowe, Sugar Knifehunter97, Sugar Lars deschain, Sugar Lemonic Cultist, Sugar Luke Childers, Sugar Mr.Salty, Sugar mrconnorcreed, Sugar NightWall86, Sugar Noah Benner, Sugar Notsofunnyclown, Sugar OroborosRewel, Sugar Rat, Sugar rosenthal, Sugar Schmocki, Sugar Snix,Sugar solidx12, Sugar Stickyspin, Sugar TheTMoneyMan, Sugar TheType007, Sugar Jedi YounglingSlayer, Sugar Thin Iceberg, Sugar Toons, Sugar Trip, Sugar Unicornosaurus, Sugar Valarian Sunrider, Sugar Victoria Raven, Sugar WEEABOOJONES12
Channel Members: TheYounglingSlayer, jiriz0r, TheTMoneyMan, Putra Shah Bin Bin Abd Jalil, larsthegunslinger, spcralph, Commissar TopHat the Fifth, Sabre Aran, Commanderkrabs, Luke, Caliburn 🦾【Indie V-Tuber】\, Carwyn Price, Oryx, lover of feet, Shiki Tohno, Exotic | 神 |, fnp, Frogit_12, Casey Ironvale, Vadagash, Oscar Rivero, Jose 90111, Snix Records, rwbyassassin, \ ShoriDayo, Some_Loser, BreezeBurn, Red Hallow, DeathScythe, Gregory Eckles, Sharpnel, Dragon Princess, Cup of Earl Grey Tea, Kingdom God, Friendly Neighborhood Wendigo, Spätzle, Cuddly Good Boy, Dakota Pitzer, Nuk3samsam, Mr J, Jkaller, Ethan CJ, Simpvy, Darkened Honor