In this video, we review the NEO-TEC NS 872 Chainsaw. We use many types of equipment on our farm and on the farm I work full time. Chainsaws just happen to be a tool we need many of. not everyone can afford a high end saw or tractor for that matter. Neo-tec has offerings that fit any budget while providing great performance that rivals those more expensive brands! we are very happy the manufacturer asked us to review there equipment and plan on putting them to good and much use! stay tuned for future videos with this and many other pieces of equipment for the homeowner and handy person!
Find this saw on Amazon Here:
#stihlms380 #neotec #cornucopiafarmstead
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Support Local Agriculture via our Paypal: Cornucopia Farmstead
Our Mailing Address:
Cornucopia Farmstead
P.O. Box 414
Rydal, Ga 30171
Equipment We Use on Our Farm:
Branson 3520R Compact Tractor
Cub Cadet Ultima ZT1
Honda FourTrax Recon
Tractor Attachments & Implements We Use with Our Branson 3520R:
Titan Rotary Tiller UM 56 Series
Titan 3200 Series Heavy Duty Box Blade
Titan Rotary Cutter 1300 Series
Titan 48 Inch Pallet Fork Attachment Frame & 42 inch Fork Blades
Power Tools We Use on Our Farm:
Holzfforma G888
Holzfforma G660
Holzfforma G466
Holzfforma G444
Joncutter G5880
Echo CS355t
Husqvarna 44
Husqvarna 340
Frontier OS31 Sawmill
NEO-TEC Power Chainsaws
We live in the foothills of the Northwest Georgia mountains on our 8 acre small scale homestead. We grow specialty crops consisting of in-season fruits and veggies. We sell our market garden produce and fresh eggs locally at the Canton Farmer’s Market in Canton, Georgia. We soon will be selling forestry products including firewood and lumber.