Music and Lyrics by Stephan Carlson
This piece is an expansion of a tag I created in 2013-- almost ten years ago! In 2020 I was hired by Happy Hour in Germany to create this full composition. Since the tag was already 2mins long, as we discussed the work ahead we agreed that the piece couldn't be much longer than it already was, and that therefore it wouldn't really resemble a song or similar traditional forms. It is instead something of a musical-poetic reflection on the nature of what romantic love is, or at least how our perspective of it can change as we grow up. :)
I haven't written much barbershop/quartet music in the last few years. I can't really promise that will change in the immediate future-- I've been doing grad school and expanding my brain! Nevertheless, I hope this piece and the few none-too-subtle Easter eggs I left inside it will bring up fond memories for those familiar with some of my quartet stuff.