Mayur Singh Chouhan proudly presents the brand-new song "Bulbul Rani." This captivating track features the voices of Sohan Bhai and Mahi Dawar, with lyrics penned by Sohan Bhai in the Adivasi (Barela) language. The music is composed by Ritesh Kirade.
Original Video Song Credits
《Original Song Title : Hai to premara rangoli
Written by: Basant raj samal
Singers: Udit Narayan and Dipti Rekha
Music director : prem Anand
Performed by :Ardhendu and tamanna
Year of Original Release : 25 July 2018》
●Recreated by: Mayur Singh Chouhan
Song: Bulbul Rani
Singers: Sohan Bhai, Mahi Dawar
Audio Production & Mixing: Ritesh Kirade
BGM Music : Bheem kanoje
Director & Choreographer: Mayur Chouhan
Featuring: Priya Solanki & Mayur Chouhan
Editor & DI: Rohit Vaishaki (Aadiwood)
DOP: KM Photography (karan more)
Music Label: Aadiwood
Digital Partner: Agesh Solanki (Adivasi- Media)
Additional shoot done by :
Pawan bhosle Bhaiya [PB Ramtudi] and
Suraj Yadav Bhaiya [Drone shots]
A big thanks to Pravin Solanki Bhaiya for an amazing art work 🎨 ✨️
(Praveen sketcher)
Special Thanks
Ma & Papa
Rohit Vaishaki Bhaiya (Aadiwood)
Agesh Solanki Bhaiya (Adivasi Media)
Mahendra Singh Chouhan Bhaiya (TST Mahendra)
Subhash waskel [Subhash waskel official]
Praveen Solanki Bhaiya (Sketch Artist)
Ramasing Bamne [cd group]
Kaushal senani [TWT]
Yuvi barela [cd group],
Karan Solanki (Tribal heartbeat)
Rohit Jadhav (Rohit Jadhav official)
Sachin pawara Dada [ Sachin.S pawra]
Pintu senani bhaiya (Aadiworld)
Sachin Shinde Bhaiya
Himmat girase Bhaiya
Antar brahmane bhaiya
Abhishek Solanki Bhaiya,
Dipika Solanki Didi,
Aayushi brahmane Didi
Shalini parmar Didi and Minakshi Verma.
A heartfelt Thank you to all our supporters and viewers for your continued encouragement and enthusiasm. Your support means the world to us and keeps us motivated to create more. Stay tuned for more updates and enjoy the song.
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