Welcome to Singer Chotu Lal Yogi YouTube channel, subscribe to our channel to listen to new DJ songs, Rajasthani Hindi Bhajans etc.
** Singer = Chotu Lal Yogi
** Contact = 9252478778
** Song = Bhajan
** Recording = Maa Hinglaj Studio Bambor
** Direct = Deshraj yogi
** Contact = 8209278357
My other YouTube channel = https://youtube.com/@MaHinglajMusic
YouTube = https://youtube.com/@singerchotulalyogi
Instagram = https://instagram.com/chotuyogi74?igshid=NTdlMDg3MTY
Facebook = https://www.facebook.com/chotu.yogi.146?mibextid=ZbWKwL
WhatsApp = 9252478778
#chotulalyogi #singerchotuyogi #mahinglajstudio #newbhajan