The beasts are needed to be tammed to continue your assension. The beast is real. You must control the beast and do not let it control you.
You have the Power and courage.
You are divinely protected and guided.
Call upon Archangels to protect you and to help you tame the beasts.
I love You and adore You.
I am proud of You.
I see your progress. Indeed.
You are divine light of consciencesness and You are Creators of New Earth 5D reallity.
Wellcome to 5D of Love Light and Truth.
Timeless tarot reading with healing words of divine Truth for clarification and confirmation, grounded and empowered by the archangels Mikha'el and Rapha'el and guided by the glorious Elohim.
I read for the collective of immortal old souls of Magi, Shamans, Sages, Wisdom and Record Keepers, High-priestesses, Druids, Alchemists and Light Warriors incarnated presently to help mother Earth-Gaia ascension to 5D reality for the greatest and highest Good for All.
#archangels #divinetruth #neweartharchitects #tarot #tarotreading #elohim #love #newearth