Best intentions definitely pave the road to Hades. So does “Design by Committee”. Work Sharp’s solution to the problem of nylon bushings excessive wear was to make a plate holder that can only be repurchased but not repaired. Not only did they fail in solving the original problem, the newly redesigned plate holder, out of the box, has as much play, jiggling, and wobbling as the old one did after months of use! Plus, now you can’t upgrade it with better components! Now your only choice is to order a new one. Or so their Marketing Geniuses thought 🤣
I made it my goal to develop a better option: for $1.00 more than the price of their replacement plate holder, I put together a solution that will be sufficient to fix not just one, but five plate holders.
Here are the Amazon links to the items used in that solution (I am an Amazon affiliate, using links below will help my channel)
Brass self-lubricating bushings
1/2” Heat Shrink Tube
Linear coil spring
Grummits/Snap Bushings
I expect the new $450 WS Pro to hit all the major channels in the relentless promotional spree. Before you make that purchasing decision though, check out 2 of my playlist containing tutorials associated with Work Sharp Pro and fixing its other shortcomings as well as well as a much less expensive and much less troublesome sharpener.
Using Work Sharp Precision Adjust Tools on the Next Level to get More Than You Paid For.
XARILK Gen 3 Fixed Angle Sharpening Tutorials
I am not affiliated with Work Sharp or its retailers. This video is for entertainment purposes only and this channel will not be responsible for any damages caused by your actions.