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New Moon in Pisces: A Message from Spirit on Manifestation

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New Moon in Pisces | 7:45PM EST Join me in this tarot reading where I pull cards for a message from Spirit for today's New Moon. This video dives into the importance of genuine reflection and the power of manifesting what you truly desire. Many of us often focus our energy on what we don't want, but this New Moon is the perfect time to shift that focus and realign with our true intentions. Key Points: Reflecting on your true desires Shifting focus from what you don't want to what you do want Realigning your energy for powerful manifestation HOW TO SET INTENTIONS FOR MANIFESTION THIS NEW MOON: 1. Create a Sacred Space: Find a quiet, comfortable place where you won't be disturbed. Light a candle or incense, play soothing music, and gather any items that hold personal significance for you. 2. Meditate and Center Yourself: Take a few moments to breathe deeply and clear your mind. Focus on your breath, allowing yourself to become fully present in the moment. 3. Write Down Your Intentions: Using a journal or piece of paper, write down what you truly desire to manifest. Be specific and positive in your wording. 4. Visualize Your Desires: Close your eyes and imagine your desires coming to fruition. Feel the emotions associated with achieving these goals. 5. Express Gratitude: Give thanks for the blessings you already have in your life. Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns you with the energy of abundance. 6. Release and Trust: Trust that the Universe will bring your desires to you at the right time. Release any attachment to the outcome and surrender to the process. 7. Take Inspired Action: Stay open to guidance and take steps toward your goals. Manifestation is a co-creative process with the Universe. Decks Used in Today's Reading: The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne Moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boland . . . . . . . . #newmoon #newmooninpisces #manifestation #manifest #positivevibes #tarot #alignment #messagefromspirit #love #higherconsciousness
