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pashto (music for you), Pakistan is Heaven on the earth the land of Love & peace
It is all about...
chaman audio presented thanks for watching
I am Owner All Content is my, Thank You & Best Regards: Faqar Afghan Production https://hfpashto4youa2z.blogspot.com/ https://hfallpashtomp3songs.blogspot.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQPJxrmUmyzZ6bvmBc_dfvg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRAsoEopNZ_Aj2Av6OKDwEw https://www.facebook.com/Hazrat-wali-103897984337427 https://www.instagram.com/hazratw8/ https://twitter.com/HazratW17722817 https://faqarafghandramaseries.blogspot.com/