French: Romeo et Juliette – La Haine (2001, original)
French: Romeo et Juliette - La Haine (2010)
Japanese: Romeo et Juliette (2010 Takarazuka version)
Italian: Romeo e Giulietta – L’odio
Hungarian: Rómeó és Júlia - Gyűlölet
German: Romeo und Julia (Wien, Austria) – Der Hass
Russian: Ромео и Джульетта (Moscow)
Russian: Ромео и Джульетта (Novokuznetsk)
For this multi-language video I mostly used the studio versions of the song to make the overall sound quality better and more consistent throughout the whole song. Sadly, it took away some of the emotions from the live performances, and also resulted in minor lip-sync inconsistencies in some places. And I only left out the Mexican version due to bad song quality.
I hope you will enjoy it.