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New starter recipe for Ramzan Iftar| Tandoori chicken Sahi Roll | Cheesy And Soft & juicy sahi Roll

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300 gm Chicken cube 1 tbsp dhanya powder 1 tbsp namak 1/3 chat masala 1/2 tsp haldi 1/2 tbsp White pepper powder 1 tbsp tbsp tanduri masala 1/2 tbsp Red chilli powder 1/2 chicken stock cube hand full coriander leaves and pudina chopped cheese slices anda and bread crumbs for coating oil for frying #tandoorichickensahiroll #tandoorichickensahirollrecipe #tandoorichickensahirolland #tandoorichickensahirollandbake #ramzaniftarspecial #ramzaniftarspecialrecipes #ramzaniftarspecialdish #ramzaniftarspecialitems #ramzaniftarspecialhealthyvegclubsandwich #ramzaniftarspecialrecipeblackchanachaatreciperamzanbestrecipeduaaminivlogs #ramzaniftarspecialhowtomakewhitepulaochickenpulaobananekasabsebesttarika #ramzaniftarspecialrecipeseasy #ramzaniftarspecialdrink #ramadanrecipesiftarspecialchickenvegetableballsrecipe #ramzanspecialiftarrecipeschaatrecipeshealthysnacks #ramzaniftarspecialand
