Yes, I've got favorites... and this season has added a whole new group of annuals to my wishlist!
00:00 Here's the second installment of my favorite annuals for 2025 -- watch Part 1 at
00:13 HELIANTHUS: Sunfinity Double Yellow
01:12 PETUNIA/PETCHOA: Dekko Maxx Pink Petunia (Supertunia Vista Bubble Gum Petunia), Supertunia Tiara Blue and Tiara Pink, Supertunia Plum Veined, Ray Shadow (Cascadias Autumn Mystery), Surfinia Heavenly Blackberries and Cream (with Purple Fountain Grass), SuperCal Rose Star, SuperCal Pink Mist (Tea Flamingo and 2026 Surfinia Heavenly Pink Cashmere), SuperCal Rose Pink (Supertunia Vista Jazzberry), SuperCal Shocking Pink, Capella Pink Morn and Capella Fuchsia Lace (Capella are more compact -- along with Potunia and Sweetunia), Tea Magenta Vein, Tea Indigo Vein, and Tea Blue Vein
11:09 GERANIUM: Glory Days Red Orange Bicolor and Glory Days Pink Bicolor
11:58 EUPATORIUM: Elegant Feather
13:29 GROMPHRENA: Ping Pong Purple
14:14 HELIOTROPE: Fragrant Delight (Aromagica)
15:27 IPOMOEA/SWEET POTATO VINE: Sweet Georgia Pulse Black
16:20 NEW GUINEA IMPATIENS: Roller Coaster (Rococo New Guinea)
17:49 LOTUS VINE: Parrots Beak
18:29 LOBELIA: Heatopia (Early Springs Lobelia)
19:28 OSTEOSPERMUM: Zion Apricot Sun (Zion Violet Feather)
20:04 TRADESCANTIA: Zebra Yellow (Wojo's Jem Vinca, Pistachio White Tradescantia, Nanouk Tradescantia, Pink Paradise Tradescantia, Zebrina Tradescantia)
21:25 ZINNIA: Profusion Bicolor Red Yellow Bicolor