1.前奏曲第15番変ニ長調作品28-15「雨だれ」Prelude No.15 Op.28-15 "Raindrop"
2.バラード第3番変イ長調作品47 Ballade No.3 Op.47
3.ワルツ第3番イ短調作品34-2 Valse No.3 Op34-2
4.ワルツ第6番変ニ長調作品64-1「小犬のワルツ」Valse No.6 Op.64-1 "Petit chien"
5.スケルツォ第2番変ロ短調作品31 Scherzo No.2 Op.31
6.幻想即興曲嬰ハ短調作品66 Fantaisie-impromptu Op.66
7.マズルカ第25番ロ短調作品33-4 Mazurka No.25 Op.33-4
8.夜想曲第2番変ホ長調作品9-2 Nocturne No.2 Op.9-2
9.夜想曲第20番嬰ハ短調遺作 Nocturne No.20 Op.posth.
10.ポロネーズ第1番嬰ハ短調作品26-1 Polonaise No.1 Op.26-1
11.ポロネーズ第6番変イ長調作品53「英雄」Polonaise No.6 Op.53 "Heroique"
12.ピアノソナタ第3番ロ短調作品58 Piano Sonata No.3 Op.58
13.練習曲第3番ホ長調作品10-3「別れの曲」Etude No.3 Op.10-3 "Chanson de l'adieu"
録音・撮影地: 1992年4月シュヴルーズ、ブルトイユ城
Recording location: Chateau De Breteuil, Chevreuse, April 1992
Between Scherzo No.2 Op.31 and Fantaisie-impromptu Op.66, Cyprien Katsaris says, "Chopin is a Pole with Slavic soul. He had been very attracted to the ethnic music of his homeland since his childhood. Whenever he went to the country with his parents, he listened to the local music. The ethnic music greatly influenced his life as a composer. He was a true Pole as well as a Frenchman because he had always felt powerless against the occurrences of his homeland since he left there in his youth," and the next image is Chopin's grave in Cimetière du Père-Lachaise in Paris.