Nibiru, often called the Twelfth Planet, has been described in ancient Sumerian texts, Mesopotamian mythology, and Babylonian astronomy as a celestial body with a highly elliptical orbit that periodically enters the solar system. Zecharia Sitchin, known for his interpretations of Sumerian cuneiform tablets, theorized that Nibiru played a key role in shaping the solar system’s formation, colliding with Tiamat to create Earth and the asteroid belt. Ancient records, including the Enuma Elish, describe a celestial battle in which Marduk (another name for Nibiru) passed through the planetary system, disrupting cosmic order. Some believe this planet is the home of the Anunnaki, an advanced civilization that allegedly visited Earth 450,000 years ago and influenced early human development.
Sumerian and Babylonian astronomical texts reference a twelve-planet system, including Nibiru, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Ancient descriptions suggest Nibiru’s return cycle could cause planetary upheaval, gravitational disturbances, and climate changes on Earth. The search for Planet X or Planet Nine in modern astronomy has revealed gravitational anomalies in the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud, indicating the possible presence of an undiscovered massive planet beyond Neptune. Some scientists propose that Nibiru, if real, follows an orbit similar to long-period comets, making it difficult to detect with traditional infrared sky surveys like NASA’s WISE mission.
Ancient religious and prophetic texts, including Egyptian records of The Destroyer, the Book of Revelation’s Wormwood, and the Kolbrin Bible, describe a recurring celestial body bringing natural disasters, pole shifts, and asteroid impacts. The Nemesis Hypothesis suggests that our Sun may have a distant companion, possibly a brown dwarf, which periodically disturbs the outer solar system, sending comets and space debris toward Earth. Skeptics argue that Nibiru is a misinterpretation of Mesopotamian records and that the term Nibiru in Akkadian means “crossing”, referring to a celestial alignment rather than an actual planet. Some scholars associate it with Jupiter or a key astronomical marker rather than an independent planetary body.
The ongoing search for undiscovered planets beyond Pluto continues as astronomers analyze trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and their unexplained orbital patterns. If a hidden planet exists, its gravitational pull may have left detectable traces in the solar system’s structure. While scientists, historians, and ancient astronaut theorists continue to debate Nibiru’s existence, the connection between ancient mythology, lost history, and modern planetary science fuels ongoing speculation about hidden celestial influences on Earth’s past and future.
Script and editing: Lucas Martins Kern
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00:00 - Intro
01:04 - Zecharia Sitchin 12th Planet
17:04 - Cosmic Panspermia
22:54 - Zecharia Sitchin on Archaeology
33:43 - The Planet X (or Planet 9)
42:01 - Is it Returning?