I'm out on an overnight wild camp in the Norfolk Broads, on the River Bure with my canoe.
In this video I'm setting up my NIGHT CAT LAY-FLAT HAMMOCK. Over the top I'm supporting my DD hammock 3x3 tarp.
The usual camp fire and food with a BAVARIA Zero alcohol beer.
Over night in the rain.
Waking up with a cold! but a comfy night sleep.
Hammock : Night Cat Lay Flat
Tarp: DD Hammock 3x3 tarp
00:00 Canoe to Wild Camp
00:36 Intro
01:03 Unpack
01:39 SET UP
06:23 INSIDE
07:03 Climb In!
08:30 TARP set Up
11:45 Rainy Morning!!!