Nightwish, to je legenda, fenomén a symbol symfonické metalové scény! Nejednoho muzikanta či jen posluchače přivedli právě Nightwish k metalové (a ne jen té) muzice.
Tuomas Holopainen, zakladatel kapely (založena 1996) se vydal společně s ostatními členy kapely po nucené pauze na obří tour a objevil se i na festivalu Masters of Rock!
Tam se rozpovídal o svém tvůrčím procesu, co by si přál do dalších let a jak vnímal nedávnou dobu.
A navíc prozradí něco více o
novém albu, na které by se fanoušci mohli těšit možná už příští rok?!
Tak sledujte!
Nightwish is a legend, a phenomenon and a symbol of the symphonic metal scene! It was Nightwish that brought more than one musician or listener to metal (and not only that) music.
Tuomas Holopainen, the founder of the band (founded in 1996) went on a huge tour together with the other band members after a forced break and appeared at the Masters of Rock festival!
There he talked about his creative process, what he would like for the next few years and how he perceived the recent period.
And in addition, he reveals something more about
a new album that fans could look forward to maybe as early as next year?!
So watch!
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Become a fan of our YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK site! You will receive info about conversations with bands, but you will also be able to participate in the further development of this project!