Today we will be unboxing and evaluating this Ninja Foodi XL Pro Air Oven. Ive had success with Ninja before and our old oven had broken so we had decided to take a chance. Initially the video was to be released after over a month of evaluation, but I had the opportunity to test it a good six months before release as we will se why later in the video. While kitchen appliance reviews are not my forte nor the channel theme, I wont pass up the opportunity to post a gadget if its cool, in grabbing the content, you dont know if something will be video worthy as the project progresses. After all, its an oven. This however proved to be more interesting than i'd thought. The prospect of frying with air is not new, nor is convection. We had convection in our old oven. I believe the accessories and features that surrounds it along with the coating that holds the heat in, as shown with the IR camera is what sets it apart. A purchase of a cook book for it by the wife made it a more interesting project as well. The two attempts I really wanted to try most of all was to see if the 2 hour turkey was really possible. It didn't disappoint. The other attempt was to replicate Ruth's Chris with a Ribeye. I believe I will have to refine my technique on that one. The only negatives was on my first oven, the inner coating started to come off. They sent another oven, for which I had to cover shipping. The oven is bare bones, so if you want to give the old one to a friend, it will cost about 100$ to re-compliment it fully. Ninja is wise to this. The second issue is that the button labels on the ovens; its paint seems to wear off over time. They have replaced the labels with a low quality sticker instead of addressing the issue. All in all though, it makes a turkey as perfectly as it toasts toast. Its a great oven. Link to Ninja Foodi XL Pro Air Oven: #ninja #ninjafoodie #airfryer