A sequel to the official Live! Tonight! Sold Out!! (1994).
LTSO Part III - The Bleach Era
Early tour footage and interviews from 88 to early 91, culminating in Grohl's first show and the first live performance of Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Edited from circulating amateur live sources. Impossible without the tireless effort of all at livenirvana.com who have uncovered and archived many historical Nirvana performances over the decades.
LTSO Part II - The In Utero Era
Sadly, the other part got pulled from YT but was archived by someone else here: https://archive.org/details/LTSOII-INUTERO
If you want to burn/print your own DVD of either send me a message.
DVD Artwork : https://imgur.com/pSjcaz8
This is a non-profit project not aimed at breaking copyright laws. All material remains courtesy of their respective owners.
If you have something sitting in a shoebox hit up liveNirvana.com and have it preserved before it turns to dust!
LTSO III - Tracklist:
Intro 0:00
Love Buzz 1:40
Interview 5:02
Floyd the Barber 6:00
Practice (Novoselic Residence)
About a Girl 9:18
Aero Zeppelin 12:10
Tour Footage 16:20
Sifting 17:20
Spank Thru 22:54
Blandest 26:12
Dive (session) / RadioShack Video Shoot (*With Dale Crover on drums) 26:40
Stain 29:10
Tour Interview 31:36
Scoff 33:36
Token Eastern Song 37:41
Sweet Home Alabama 41:28
Interview / Home Movies 42:01
Molly's Lips 44:00
Negative Creep 47:16
Mr. Moustache 49:48
Evergreen College Video Shoot 53:15
Big Cheese 54:20
Polly (New Wave) 58:00
Sappy 1:00:38
Dive 1:02:36
Interview 1:06:20
Even in his Youth 1:07:24
Backstage (Sonic Youth) 1:11:12
School 1:12:30
Scoff (*Dave Grohl's first show) 1:16:54
Blew 1:22:35
Interview (What next?) 1:28:38
Smells Like Teen Spirit (first performance) 1:30:06
Pen Cap Chew (over credits) 1:35:40