#神社映像 #神社チャンネル #神社参拝作法 #中田敦彦 #パワースポット #スピリチュアル #兵庫県 #えべっさん #阪神タイガース
1月9日 - 宵えびす 有馬温泉献湯式 宵宮祭
1月10日 - 本えびす 十日えびす大祭 開門神事福男選び
1月11日 - 残り福
Nishinomiya Shrine is located in Shake-cho, Nishinomiya City, Hyogo Prefecture. It is the head shrine of about 3,500 Ebisu shrines in Japan (named "Ebisumiya Sohonjinja"). It is locally called "Ebessan of Nishinomiya" (meaning "Ebessan of Nishinomiya"). There are several theories about the Ebisu faith, including one that equates Ebisu with Hiruko (Ebisu is a god of war). Formerly a prefectural shrine, it is now an annexed shrine of the Jinja Honcho.
According to shrine legend, a fisherman from Naruo pulled up a statue of Hirujinomikoto that appeared off the coast of Cape Wada and enshrined it at his home.
There is a theory that the shrine is identified with "Okuninushi Nishi Shrine," a shrine within the Engi-shiki family of shrines. Currently, the Okuninushi-nishi Shrine is considered a Shikinai Shrine, but as described below, there is also a theory that the Nishinomiya Shrine itself is the original Shikinai Okuninushi-nishi Shrine. However, the Engishiki Shinmeicho lists the shrine in Muko-gun, not in Muko-gun where the Nishinomiya shrine is located, and neither the Nishinomiya shrine nor the current Okuninomi-nishi shrine matches the criteria for being a shiki-nai shrine. However, the boundary between Muko-gun and Osaka-gun is the Shukugawa River, which runs about 200m west of Nishinomiya Shrine, and some believe that the shrine belonged to Osaka-gun in ancient times due to the change of this river channel.
Regardless of its relationship with Shikinai Okuninushi Nishi Shrine, the shrine was a sub-shrine of Hirota Shrine in the Heian period, and was called "Hama no Nangu" or "Nangu Shrine". The shrine was frequently visited by the Shirakawa family because of the relationship between Hirota Shrine and the Shirakawa Hakuho family, who were Shinto priests, and records indicate that the shrine was already deeply revered by the Shirakawa family.
In the late Heian period (794-1185), the name "barbarian" first appeared in documents as a regent shrine of Hirota Shrine. It is said that the belief in the Ebisu (barbarians) began to rise around this time. In the "Ryohin Hisho" (a Japanese book written in the late Heian period), Nangu is mentioned as a branch of Hirota Shrine, along with Suwa-taisha Shrine, Nangu-taisha Shrine, and Dagukoku Shrine. This Nangu is the present-day Nishinomiya Shrine, and the fact that the Nangu Shrine, which is a subsidiary shrine outside the Hirota Shrine grounds, is still located within the Nishinomiya Shrine grounds is a remnant of that name.
There are various theories as to the origin of the name "Nishinomiya" as follows.