किसे दा यार ना परदेस जावे
विछोड़ा ना किसे दे पेश आवे
May no one’s love leave for distant lands.
May no one suffer the pangs of parting.
Mukhtiyar Ali's spirited rendition of this Badar Muneer song embodies the Sufi spirit of imagining God as the beloved and romance as worship. In the realm of Sufi love, the earthly beloved intertwines with God, the sensual flows into the spiritual, and sentiments of selfless surrender jostle with a restless desire for union.
Find lyrics/translation of this song at: http://ajabshahar.com/songs/details/208/Nit-Khair-Manga&title=Nit-Khair-Manga
Discover a universe of Bhakti, Sufi, Baul poetry and music at http://www.ajabshahar.org.
Mukhtiyar Ali is an extraordinary performer of Sufiana kalaam and Bhakti songs from the village of Pugal, in the western-most part of the state of Rajasthan in India. He belongs to the Mirasi community, whose traditional occupation has been to sing, and has imbibed the tradition from his own father and elders. Today he is a highly versatile artist, collaborating with many contemporary musicians such as Vasundhara Das and Mathias Duplessy. For the Kabir Project team however, Mukhtiyar ji remains the feisty singer we met in Pugal, whose music blew our minds, and whose understanding of Kabir was honest, clear and from the heart!
Contact Mukhtiyar at: 91-94131-06911, [email protected]
(Click on Settings for subtitles in English & Hindi.)
This is one of a series of uploads for Ajab Shahar, a webspace dedicated to mystic poem and song, created by the Kabir Project team (http://www.ajabshahar.org ; http://www.kabirproject.org).
Song Credits:
Vocals & Harmonium: Mukhtiyar Ali
Tabla: Abdul Jabbar
Dholak: Lal Khan
Manjira: Fathu Khan
Translation: Vidya Rao
Video & Sound Credits:
Camera: Shabnam Virmani
Editing: Shruti Kulkarni
Sound Recording: P M Satheesh
Sound Mixing: Shajit Koyeri & P M Satheesh
Sound Mastering: Sreejesh G Nair
Music Editor: Amrit Pritam
Location Sound Assistant: P A Laxman
Mixing & Mastering at: Fireflys Post Sound, Mumbai
Sub-Titling: Prashant Parvataneni
Collection: Kabir Project
Date & Place of Recording: Pugal village, May 2006