ENGLISH and JAPANESE subtitles are ready! 脱ステ・脱保湿の提唱者である大阪の阪南中央病院の佐藤健二先生から教わった、本家本元の脱保湿のご紹介です。ステロイドをやめたのに悪化が続く方は、知らず知らずのうちに保湿行為を繰り返しているかもしれません。確かな知識があなたをその苦しい症状から救ってくれますよ。ノートを作ってこのチャンネルからもしっかり勉強してみてくださいね。
Released the third post on my YouTube channel!
I have been sharing the NMT (No Moisturizing Treatment) protocol getting approval from the advocate, Dr. Kenji Sato (Hannan Chuo Hospital in Osaka, Japan), for TSW (Topical Steroid Withdrawal) sufferers/caregivers. This method has been showing great results for more than 3 decades in Japan.
Vol. 2 is the third one that I released and explains 'What Can Be Moisturizers on NMT?'
If your NMT doesn't go well, you may be doing it the wrong way. I recommend you subscribe to my channel and learn NMT 'seriously' by creating your personal notebook.
You can change the subtitles into your language from the setting button at the bottom on the right of the screen.
Hang in there! Healing happens to you too!
My Channel: Tokuko's Room
From the lecture meeting of NMT doctors, below can be moisturizers per Dr. Kenji Sato:
②Super (strong) acidic water/lotion
③Olive oil/Jojoba oil/Horse oil, etc...
④To wrap up the entire body with gauze/bandages
⑤To stay in bed wrapped with blankets for a long time
⑥Long frequent bath
⑧To peel off or scrub off crusts to make your skin smooth
⑨To wipe off the ooze
⑩Too much water intake
Please add the above info in your personal NMT notebook!😉💕
A drastic way to avoid moisturizers is required for your fastest healing. If you are doing one of them, you are not doing NMT correctly. Hang in there!💗
MY ACTIVITIES (Non-Profit Organization) 徳子の活動(非営利で活動しています。)
★My YouTube Channel 徳子のユーチューブチャンネル: Tokuko's Room
★Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted★ (English Version of my blog) 英語版ブログ『元気が出る徳子の部屋』
To learn NMT basic protocol.
‘How to get over Topical Steroid Withdrawal asap’ is the first ‘must-read’. NMT spread worldwide from this article. There are Spanish versions, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Dutch, Serbian, etc…for better understanding.
Read ALL articles in the ‘RECOMMENDED POSTS IN ENGLISH’ corner at least.
★Tokuko’s 365 Days of Pep Talk for NMT★ (The other blog in English) 英語のみのブログ
Tokuko’s advice for sufferers to learn and accomplish correct NMT.
Facebook group to get helpful NMT info in Japanese. All NMT doctors are included as members.
★NMT Education Group★ (The NMT Official Group in Facebook) 英語で脱保湿を学ぶグループ
This group is designed for self-studying of NMT instead of NMT books. Not for open discussions.
*Please answer 3 questions to join. To protect group members, we need your agreement.
★The NMT Healed Club★ (The NMT Official Group in Facebook) ビフォーアフターの写真で脱保湿を学び、エネルギーチャージする為のグループ!日本人もYesと3回答えて、是非ご入会ください。目で見て学べます。
This group is for encouragement and learning the healing process visually with Before and After pictures.
*Please answer 3 questions to join. We have to protect group members. Without your agreement, admins need to disapprove of your request.
★Tokuko’s Room To Feel Uplifted (Facebook)★ (Facebook ‘Read Only’ page with lecture meetings’ info) ブログ記事などの紹介