Hoy, en Español Automático Podcast te traemos 23 frases avanzadas para sustituir la aburrida y sobreexplotada “creo que”. Encontrarás estas expresiones mucho más interesantes, y demostrarás tu nivelazo de español con tu riqueza de vocabulario.
📝Consigue la transcripción gratis: https://www.espanolautomatico.com/podcast/185
📚Consigue las flashcards en PATREON: https://espanolautomatico.com/patreon
🎧🎧Capítulos solo en audio🎧🎧:
iTunes: http://bit.ly/itunespodcastea
Spotify: https://www.espanolautomatico.com/spotify
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/stitcherpodcastea
📝Puedes descargar las transcripciones (+ Freebies) en paquetes de 10 desde Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/podcastespanol
📽CURSO: “Entender Conversaciones en Español” https://www.espanolautomatico.com/ece-curso
📽CURSO: “Piensa y habla en español” https://espanolautomatico.com/piensayhabla
Ejercicios interactivos gratis:
➡️ Juego de Preguntas y Respuestas https://espanolautomatico.com/juego
➡️ Activador de Fluidez https://espanolautomatico.com/activador
📩 Si no sabes por dónde empezar, únete a nuestra newsletter: https://www.espanolautomatico.com/newsletter
Our Natural Method for learning Spanish is ideal for those looking to use Spanish for:
➡️ Travel Success:
• Understand the “real Spanish” used by people on the street
• Speak Spanish with correct pronunciation
• Understand native speakers and communicate clearly with them
• Make international friends
• Overcome nervousness, shyness, and fear when speaking Spanish
• Improve your natural speaking speed
➡️ Business Success:
• Use Spanish to get better jobs
• Pass Spanish language job interviews
• Feel stronger, calmer, and more powerful when speaking Spanish in business situations
• Give powerful Spanish presentations and speeches
➡️ Understanding Movies and TV Shows:
• Never watch a Spanish movie with subtitles again
• Understand native Spanish including slang and street talk
• Watch your favorite Spanish Movies and TV shows with Ease
➡️ Making International Friends:
• Our Members Are Friendly and Positive
• Communicate with Other Course Members From Around The World
• Make New Friends In Different Countries Around The World
#vocabulario #hablarespañol #vocabularioespañol