Face shaving & Face Waxing for women is a Big No ! Shavers for women or using a ladies face razor for the peach fuzz on the face is a fairly new concept that is being promoted by some beauty bloggers however Lazer Hair removal is a far more effective treatment instead as face shaving can be a bad idea for the delicate facial hair and skin of a woman.
In this educational video, Dr. Sharmila Nayak a highly experienced cosmetic dermatologist, discusses with Actress Preetika Rao on the reasons why women should avoid using razor on face inspite of it's popular promotion as a skin-care trend.
Dr. Nayak explains the potential dangers and negative effects that facial shaving can have on a women's delicate skin, including irritation, razor bumps, hair ingrowth, and even skin infections.
Instead, she offers more practical and effective techniques for women to get rid of their facial hair using modern day Lazer hair removal treatment instead.
Using a medical grade face shaver or eyebrow pen razors is a good idea but only just before a Lazer hair removal session.
Yes pen razors can be used very safely on the upper lips but shaving too quickly can give tiny open enlarged pores and leave the skin uneven if not done gently and with utmost care. pen razors should be used inn the opposite direction of hair-growth for best results and with a magnifying mirror for better results.
This video is a must-watch for anyone who is keen to know about shaving facial hair or is looking out for correct guidance from an expert on the subject of facial hair .
So, sit back and watch the video and let Dr. Nayak educate you with her expert advice and insights on women's skin care.!
Don't miss out! Click the play button now.
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