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日式生吐司 I 免揉版 不用機器 不用揉膜 I 只需要這種方法就可以輕鬆做出經典生吐司 I No Knead Japanese White Bread Recipe

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懶人版的經典日式生吐司教程來了,我試過很多方法和配方,這個是迄今為止做出來的和機器揉麵基本無差的生吐司,免揉麵包也可以做到拉丝柔软,奶香味儿浓郁,沒有機器,無需費力揉膜也可以在家實現日式生吐司自由了 如果您對配方有任何疑問,請在下方留言,我會盡款第一時間回復 💡这个视频有中英文字幕,要开启字幕,请点击 CC 要选择语言,在右下角,请点击“设置”图标 💡You can turn on subtitles by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of the video You can also adjust caption settings by clicking the gear icon 💡Chapters: 0:00 介紹/intro 0:14 麵包麵團製作/Making bread dough 1:36 拉伸摺疊/Stretch and fold 2:01 冷藏發酵/Fermentation in the fridge 2:11 整形/Shaping 3:50 最終發酵/Final proof 4:02 烘烤/Baking ➡️烤盤大小 450克帶蓋吐司盒(長寬高 19.6cm, 10.6cm, 11cm) ➡️配方: 高筋麵粉 300克/(1¾ cups + 2 tbsp) 牛奶 80毫升/克 水104毫升/克(根據麵粉吸水量略微調整) 細砂糖 20克/(1½ tbsp) 蜂蜜 12克/(2 tsp) 幹酵母粉 4克/ (1 tsp) 鹽 5克/(1 tsp) 煉乳 18克 /(3 tsp) 淡奶油 18克/(1½ tbsp) 融化的常溫無鹽黃油 25克 ➡️一發室溫發酵至1.5倍大(大約40分鐘後)再放入冰箱4˚C冷藏發酵過夜,頂部一定要蓋好 ➡️第二天取出麵團後記得回溫30-40分鐘後再進行整形 ➡️最終發酵需要30-35˚C的溫度和85%的濕度,所以可以在烤箱或者微波爐內放入開水來提升溫度和濕度,45-60分鐘漲至8分滿時即可 🌟170˚C/340˚F 下層或者中下層烤40分鐘,不同烤箱的受熱和溫度都有差異,請根據自家烤箱做略微調整 ❤️感謝您的觀看,如果您覺得我的視頻對您有所幫助,麻煩點贊👍收藏 ❤️訂閱我的頻道,點擊右側的小鈴鐺🔔,就不會錯過我的最新視頻哦 ❤️訂閱: No machine, no knead, no windowpane test, we can still make super soft Japanese style white bread at home ➡️Baking pan size: 450g loaf pan(LWH:19.6cm, 10.6cm, 11cm) ➡️Ingredients: Bread flour 300g/(1¾ cups + 2 tbsp) Milk 80g/ml water 104g/ml Honey 12g/(2 tsp) Condensed milk 18g/(3 tsp) Heavy whipping cream 18g/(1½ tbsp) Yeast 4g/ (1 tsp) Sugar 20g/(1½ tbsp) Salt 5g/(1 tsp) Melted butter 25g ➡️The 1st fermentation, cover it tightly and proof at room temperature for 40 minutes/ until 1.5 times size, then place it and let it rise in the refrigerator (4˚C) overnight ➡️After taking out of the fridge, let the dough rest and get back to room temperature for 30-40 minutes ➡️30˚C-35˚C temperature and 85% humidity is recommended for the final proof, so place hot water in the oven or microwave oven is a good way, it takes about 45-60 minutes to rise to 80% full of loaf pan 🌟Bake at 170˚C/340˚F for 40 minutes on the bottom or lower-middle rack, the oven temperature swings vary by model and each individual unit can be different, so please adjust slightly ❤️Thanks for watching, I would be grateful if I could get thumbs up! 🔔SUBSCRIBE→
