"No Light" an animation short -represents just few problems where a character daily life has been suffered & unbalanced by power shortage living in a situation in country like Nepal.
The character starts his day in no light zone affecting his basic needs from water supply, communication, working environment to entertainment & resulting into sleep deprivation. The constant uncertainty of electric power supply affects all the modern electronic equipments which the character rely on & finally destabilizing his daily personal & professional life.
The short film "No Light" symbolize how one starts the day having sleepless night in no light zone.
Qurien is a design & animation company providing innovative & creative solutions for design & animation. Qurien's objective is to integrate art & technology to develop computer-animated short films & related products. www.qurien.com
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Qurien Pvt. Ltd.
Chandi Complex 4th Floor, Kalimati
Kathmandu, Nepal
Voice: +977 - 1 - 4270015
email: [email protected]