NOBODY has SEEN this LADY in YEARS….So we decided to KNOCK then this HAPPENED..
We drove by this house several times and it was really overgrown so we decided to stop and knock on the door. We didn’t get any answers over a two day period then a neighbor stopped by and said he hadn’t seen Elderly Lady there in years. We decided to stop back by and knock again and we are so glad that we did. Sounds like the Elderly Lady may have passed away but we were able to help this Handicapped Lady instead! The family was assisting her on the 3rd floor as it used to be a hoarder house and they were so blessed we stopped by to clean the outside. This is the most caring area of town, wait until you see what happens next. Be sure to smash the subscribe button and let us know what you think when this happens.
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Equipment I use
Mini Skid Steer -
Mini Skid Flail -
Ferntree Mini Skid Flail VM110 -
Baumalight Mulcher -
Baumalight Mulcher -
Stump Grinder -