[Sub]오븐 no! 밀가루 no! 비건 흑임자무스케이크, 완전 고소하고 보드라운 두부케이크 만들기 vegan black sesame mousse cake-메빵소 베이킹
22,243 lượt xem 4 years ago Hi guys! I’m gimye from myebbangso.
A lot of people are asking me to make tofu baking.
So I made vegan black sesame mousse cake without flour! And without the oven!!
Only use black sesame seeds and tofu!
SO this mousse cake is healthy rather than the other cake. This is the dessert you’ll want to enjoy with people you love.
I especially love black sesame for its unique and exotic flavor. I couldn’t put my fork down until I got to the end.
It’s gonna be delicious and healthy desserts for everyone being on a calorie-controlled diet.
I hope you are excited to give this recipe a try!
👇Mousse cake series👇
💎Vegan blueberry mousse cake recipe: https://youtu.be/rA1Uuip2slw
-시트지(Cake sheet)
오트밀가루(Oatmeal flour) 60g
아몬드가루(Almond flour) 40g
조청(Grain Syrup) 20g
두유(Soy milk) 20g
-흑임자 무스(Black sesame mousse)
데친 두부(Blanced tofu) 300g
흑임자가루(Black sesame powder) 40g
조청(Grain syrup) 45g
한천가루(Agar powder) 3g
두유(Soy milk) 60g
레몬즙(Lemon juice) 5g
+ 소금 약간(A pinch of salt)