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The story of Noah’s Ark is one of the most intriguing stories known to mankind. Is it true, how did it happen, why do many say it's a myth? Click below to support our work in producing more videos:
Link to Noah's Ark Discovered Documentary: https://youtu.be/9f4uF4Va9gI
0:00 - Intro
2:20 - Is there worldwide historical evidence for the Great Flood?
5:07 - Why do many people not believe in the Genesis Great Flood?
10:28 - Why did God flood the whole earth?
11:30 - Did God give the wicked time to repent before flooding the earth?
12:27 - How big was Noah's Ark and how was it built?
15:12 - What did God destroy by the Great Flood?
15:45 - What kind of animals did God save from the Flood?
19:27 - How did the animals come to Noah's Ark?
20:00 - Who closed the door of Noah's Ark?
20:33 - When did the Great Flood begin?
20:59 - Where did the water come from to flood the entire earth?
21:48 - Did the Flood cover the whole earth?
24:06 - How long was there water on the earth and Noah in the Ark?
30:02 - How did the Flood change the earth's climate?
32:23 - Where did all the water go after the Flood?
35:31 - What did Noah do shortly after the Flood?
36:29 - Is there evidence today for the location of Noah's Ark?
39:27 - How does Noah's Ark and the Great Flood apply to us today?
Today, many people believe Noah’s Ark and the Flood are just myths or some altered version of ancient beliefs. Of all the stories in the Bible, Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood is one of the most controversial. Is it all true? Did it really happen? How did it happen? And if it’s true, is there evidence of the Flood and the existence of Noah’s Ark today?
In this video, we’ll be looking at the overwhelming evidence that supports the location of Noah’s Ark. We’ll also end with a faith lesson about what God would desire for us to learn from this event. I really believe this video will be life-changing and transforming to your life.
The Great Flood account is mentioned in writings, or oral traditions found all around the world. In fact, as mentioned, it’s referred to in around 200 accounts like the Gilgamesh Epic account. These flood legends are common across a wide range of cultures, extending back to shortly after the flood account. These accounts depict a flood, sometimes global in scale, usually sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine judgment. They are found on virtually every continent and share very similar themes. This is so because Noah’s descendants stayed together until God confused their languages at the Tower of Babel, and they scattered as found in Genesis 11.
Places of Interest at the Durupinar Site
1. Noah’s Ark National Park – Located about 17 miles or 28 km. south of Mt. Ararat, about 260 miles or 450 km. west of the Caspian Sea, and about 200 miles or 9(320 km. east of the Black Sea.
2. Noah’s Ark Location
3. Noah’s Ark Visitor Center
4. Drogue – Anchor Stones
5. Noah’s Home
6. Noah’s Altar & Corrals
7. Mountains of Ararat
8. Mount Ararat
9. Wall of Heaven Site
10. Crow Won’t Land Site
11. Village of the Eight
12. Stele
13. Ostracon
The names of the surrounding places affirm this site as Noah’s Ark location.
• Village of the Eight – This village was named after Noah and his family that God saved from the Flood. It used to be called Kazan and today is called Goller.
• Kargaconmaz – Means: The crow or bird won’t land. This refers to Noah letting birds out of the Ark to see if there was dry land.
• Ziyaret Dagi – Means: To make a voluntary pilgrimage. This likely refers to the pilgrimage of Noah and his family aboard the Ark.
• Uzengili Town – This was formerly called Mahser, which means: To be drawn out of the water or judgment day. The name Moses has the same root. In Genesis 10:30, it says regarding the descendants of Noah: Now their settlement extended from Mesha going toward Sephar, the hill country of the east.
• Mahser Location – This has the same meaning as the town of Uzengili but is the location of the area.
• Nasar – Means: To make a sacrifice. This likely refers to the sacrifices Noah made to God in worship after he and his family were saved from the Flood.
• Yigityatagi – Means: Hero’s anchorage. This refers to the place where the drogue and anchor stones came to rest in this area of the mountains of Ararat.
• Arz-zapt (Arzap) – Means: To capture the earth. In the Semitic version of Arz-zapt, which is Eretz-tsab, means: To cling to the earth. These names are linked to the place where the Ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.