Discover the data-driven science of predicting and changing human behavior with insights from Sandra Matz's "Mindmasters".
Explore how computers translate your digital footprints—likes, posts, searches—into intimate predictions of your personality, mental health, and more.
Learn about the bright and dark sides of psychological targeting, from personalized products to potential manipulation and discrimination.
Uncover the truth behind Cambridge Analytica and its impact on the 2016 US presidential election.
Find out how psychological targeting can be used to improve finances, mental health, and even political discourse.
Learn how to redesign the data game to amplify the opportunities and mitigate the risks of psychological targeting.
Understand the importance of data co-ops and collective data management.
Examine the ethical implications of data collection and the need for a new social contract in the digital age.
Explore the potential of AI in mental health support and personalized conversations.
Find out why privacy is essential for self-determination and control over your life.
Join the conversation about shaping the future of data and technology for a better society.