Learn how to become a more musical Tango dancer with expert tips from renowned Tango teacher Noelia Hurtado. In this video, we explore techniques to express rhythm and melody, enhance your musical interpretation, and improve your overall dance experience. Perfect for dancers looking to refine their musicality and connection.
In this video, we cover:
Techniques for expressing rhythm and melody in Tango
Tips for enhancing individual musicality
Communicating musical intentions through the embrace
Practical examples with music
0:00 Introduction to Musicality in Tango
0:07 Guest Introduction: Noelia Hurtado
0:22 Importance of Individual Musicality
1:05 Techniques for Rhythm and Melody
3:02 Using the Free Leg and Push
4:15 Decision Making in Social Dance
5:02 Variations for Rhythmical Dancing
6:20 Communicating Musical Intentions
7:26 Practical Examples with Music
11:27 Importance of Clear Musical Interpretation
12:01 Invitation to Join the Tango Space Community
👋Tango Dancer
Not sure how to dance confidently in crowded milonga?
Need help adapting the steps you learn in classes to small places?
Watch this FREE mini-course from Pablo & Anne and learn the 10 easy steps that will make dancing tango in crowded milongas easy: https://bit.ly/3JosuQl
Connect with us:
- Website: www.tango-space.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tangospaceschool
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tangospace/
#TangoDance #MusicalityInTango #TangoTechnique #NoeliaHurtado #TangoLessons #DanceMusicality #ArgentineTango #TangoDancers #LearnTango #DanceTips #TangoCommunity