How to Decode An Abandoned 1000 Year Old Temple? How to Dig like an archeologist For Information in an Abandoned Ancient Temple? How To Decode An Ancient Temple Like Indiana Jones? Is This The Oldest Surviving Brick Temple?
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0:00 - Introduction
1:06 - Mystical Monolithic Statue
2:49 - A Weird Creature & Poor Renovations
4:15 - Carvings & Interesting Stories Behind
6:26 - Ramayana Carvings
8:04 - HIDDEN Inscriptions DISCOVERED!!
9:56 - ORIGINAL Name of the Temple
13:22 - Brick Tower – The Main Structure
15:12 - OCTAGONAL Top
16:52 - Main statue DISAPPEARED!!
19:00 - DECODING from the Ruins
22:30 - Conclusion
Hey guys, today, I am in search of an ancient Hindu temple, and this is supposed to be at least a thousand years old. Let’s go take a look and see what we can find.
Some people have claimed there is an abandoned temple in the village of Kothamangalam, but the beauty is that this village is not even on google maps, the closest village on maps is Kattur, and I have to physically explore this area to find the temple.
Oh there… You can see a giant Vishnu statue. And there you can see the ruined temple. This is the ancient temple we were looking for. Let me remove my shoes, and then we can start finding out what is there.
Let’s take a look at this Vishnu, guys. So, here you can see this gigantic Vishnu guys. It will be... I would say it is about 5 or 6 feet long. Now the question is... is this really Vishnu? Or is this some other God? How did I identify this as Vishnu? Now the obvious symbol is this... And this is called Naamam in Tamil, and you can say that this is a new Naamam they have put on the carving. But you can see other details as well. Now, for example, here you can see the conch, or the Shanku as they call it. And this is a clear symbol of Lord Vishnu. It is a classic symbol, it is called a Shyana Vishnu or PalliKonda Perumal, where he is putting one hand like this and sleeping and he is wearing a sacred thread and he is wearing ornaments, and he is also wearing giant ear studs. Fully loaded with his crown or helmet, so we know that this is Vishnu. Usually, Vishnu will have his wife or consort called Lakshmi by his feet, but that is missing, but this is clearly Vishnu. And what else can we find here?
This is a monolithic statue, meaning it is made of one stone, and you can see the depth here, showing the thickness of Vishnu’s feet, to make it look realistic. It is remarkable. Look at his face, he looks quite life-like and has a mysterious smile.
There is a tall brick tower, but before that you can see another structure that has been made completely with granite. Let us go closer to this, right away, I am greeted by this short, fat creature blowing a conch. Who is he? He has a very fancy hairdo, but due to neglect, everything is completely eroded. And he is not only wearing large earrings, he is even wearing a belt like thing on his belly.
Immediately I can see some renovation attempts by inferior civilizations, you can see the cylindrical pillar on the left supported by a separate rectangular block at the bottom, while the pillar on the right has a separate small cylindrical block at the top, adjusted for height. You may think this is an engineering blunder by ancient builders, but, if you look carefully, you can see everything else is of one color and the color of the right-side pillar is different. This was a poor renovation attempt done a few centuries ago, that’s why it looks weird, but thankfully, these carvings are original.
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