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N.T. Wright Reviews Heiser and The Unseen Realm

RING THEM BELLS 120,332 1 year ago
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Welcome to another Episode of Ring Them Bells During our Last Interview with N.T. Wright I was determined to discuss Heiser and the Divine Council Worldview with Tom. I have heard hints of this ion Wrights work but he never focused on it as a key point in the narrative like Heiser. Now we hear firsthand from Wright about the Unseen Realm and the answer just might surprise you! Please Subscribe and Help Spread the Good News Link to unseen realm documentary- #angels #ntwright #bibleproject #heiser #unseenrealm #exvangelical #endtimes #jesus #repent #rapture #bible #god #holyspirit #faith #jesuschrist #jesusiscoming #christian #markofthebeast #antichrist #lastdays #love #endtimesprophecy #prophecy #bibleprophecy #christ #truth #revelation #jesussaves #bibleverse #illuminati #newworldorder #yahweh #wakeup #christianity #biblestudy #pray @NTWrightOnline @DRMSH @bibleproject @ReubenEvans
