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○ The TRUTH About NURSING Salaries: Let Me Show You Why California WINS vs.Texas - https://youtu.be/K-m8hPkMZ9o
○ 5 Reasons Why Being a NURSE is Terrifying - https://youtu.be/VdAdh5YAEKg
○ What They WON'T Tell You About Being an ER Nurse - https://youtu.be/HkqPqlafqrU
○ Left to Cali for Nursing | Why We're Moving Back to NYC - https://youtu.be/JF6xLd-365Q
○ Why We're Leaving Our 100 USD/hr Jobs in California: It's Not What You Think - https://youtu.be/Y30RW2SzChc
○ Not All Of California Is Unaffordable | Buy Here ASAP! - https://youtu.be/IQJ0qzy_W3w
○ How Are Nurses Surviving Financially HERE?! - https://youtu.be/ObpvnluCYlI
○ The Right Way To Work Overtime as a NURSE! (in California) - https://youtu.be/iuAhwozAoPQ
○ I Revealed a Kaiser Nurse's Paycheck - https://youtu.be/hDQzd0gPpws
○ Kaiser New Grad vs Senior Nurse Paycheck Wars - https://youtu.be/NseejKNW_Pc
○ I Found The Secrets To Making More Money As a Nurse - https://youtu.be/LZ4uSW7w81g
○ The NURSE Saving 90 Percent of Her Income! - https://youtu.be/RpNS0sTfX2M
○ This Nurse Quit To Freelance & Now Works in Tech - https://youtu.be/e3NORteiTjI
○ The Genius Travel Nurse Practitioner Making Bank - https://youtu.be/iTZreDSwEPo
○ This Nurse Makes Six Figures in Tech - https://youtu.be/f5aErmj003c
○ Is California Affordable? What 500 USDk Gets You in Elk Grove CA Part 1. - https://youtu.be/HzWXiymPOE4
○ The TOUGHEST Job Market for NURSES in The USA - https://youtu.be/my2kA8GoqA0
○ Bad NURSES are ruining it for everyone! - https://youtu.be/SojMnMgH3No
○ What The Rich Do To Pay Fewer Taxes - https://youtu.be/ZV4P-JtOoJI
○ This LPN Bounces Back After LOSING Her Husband - https://youtu.be/kPo2XeKKHYo
○ NYC Is Unaffordable...Here's What You Need To Earn - https://youtu.be/U3OFwFJeebE
○ She Went From Zero to 60 USDk/mo in 6 Months - But Had To QUIT Her Job - https://youtu.be/lKQU82rK7UQ
○ I applied to 300 Jobs to Make 130 USD/hr - https://youtu.be/lH3Yx4jMN4k
○ The Reality of Taxes in California The SHOCKING Truth! - https://youtu.be/dt4YIvmytCY
○ How NURSING Changed Our Lives: From NYC Slums to Top 3% - https://youtu.be/Cl8SR-wfJE0
○ The Psych NURSE Making 600 USDk Per Year - https://youtu.be/v461I4sxF7E
○ This NURSE Quit Her Job For This Business After It Went Viral on Tiktok - https://youtu.be/-ig_4NYTFu0
○ Genius NURSING 💰 Advice for 43 Minutes Straight - https://youtu.be/_eTZUEfyuww
○ The Business Nurses are Making Millions With - https://youtu.be/D5ODE1rnzp4
○ Don't be a BROKE Nurse. Do THESE things IMMEDIATELY! - https://youtu.be/GJ9H2jgtck8
○ Why I Became a NURSE for the MONEY and you Should Too! - https://youtu.be/RBeObQPHb54
○ 6 Side Hustles No Other Nurse Is Talking About In 2023 - https://youtu.be/n6B7jJT3nLI
○ 6 Steps to Building Wealth As a Nurse (And Keeping it!) - https://youtu.be/FKf8s4tzy7A
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○ TIKTOK - https://tiktok.com/@nursestoriches
1. These videos are not financial or legal advice. Please consult a lawyer, financial advisor, accountant, or other appropriate entity before you choose to follow any of the recommendations laid out in my videos.
2. These videos do not represent the views of our employer, and they are for informational purposes only.
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*The views expressed in these videos are my personal views and not affiliated with or officially endorsed by Kaiser.