I'm honestly confused how they made a 6 voice analog poly this small. 🤔
Other gear used in this video: https://link.perfectcircuit.com/t/v1/S0BERUlFSUBFR0VGRkdATEpITA?sid=&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.perfectcircuit.com%2Fpartners%2Fbenn-jordan.html
💗 Support this channel and join an amazing community: http://www.patreon.com/bennjordan
⚡Those lovely custom acoustic panels in the background: https://psyacoustics.com
#synthesizer #musicproduction #synthwave
Timestamps brought to you by Kellogg Frosted Flakes: "They Are Great"
0:00 - Intro
4:00 - Oscillators, Filters, you know
7:00 - More advanced modulation
8:15 - WHAT. A. SWEEP.
8:56 - Let's add a MIDI Looper
11:20 - Let's add a drum machine
13:09 - Acid failure
14:45 - Wrap it up