Nyoman Paul, penyanyi jebolan Indonesian Idol 12, kembali hadir dengan single terbaru berjudul "Tunggu Apa Lagi" di bawah Universal Music Indonesia. Lagu yang ia tulis bersama Rahman Sadli Waraiya dan S/EEK ini membawa tema cinta yang lebih positif dengan aransemen mid-tempo dan sentuhan synth kekinian.
Di Episode kedua VOKS FACE TO FACE, Ryanti Moti kedatengan Nyoman Paul yang baru aja rilis single terbarunya "Tunggu Apa Lagi". Selain ngebahas single terbarunya, kita bakalan main games dan juga ngobrol sama paul yang ternyata jago tebak2an juga loh!
Penasaran kan? Langsung di tonton aja ya Teman Voks!
Produced by : 91.7FM Voks Radio Bandung ( https://www.instagram.com/voksradio/ )
Hosted by : Ryanti Moti ( https://www.instagram.com/ryantimoti/ )
Directed by : Andrie Kemir Maulana ( https://www.instagram.com/andriekemir/ )
Camera 1 : Muhammad Lucky Asher Firdaus ( https://www.instagram.com/lckfirdaus/ )
Camera 2 : Adrian Nandika Putra Risyando ( https://www.instagram.com/adriannandika/ )
Sound : Adrian Nandika Putra Risyando ( https://www.instagram.com/adriannandika/ )
Editing : Adrian Nandika Putra Risyando ( https://www.instagram.com/adriannandika/ )
Voks Face to Face is a special program that features engaging and intimate conversations with renowned musicians. In each episode, the host, a radio announcer from Voks Radio Bandung, invites listeners to get closer to the artist’s journey, personal stories, and the inspiration behind their music. The show provides a personal experience where musicians share the stories behind their songs, challenges in the music industry, and their views on the world of art. With a relaxed yet insightful atmosphere, Voks Face to Face offers fans a unique opportunity to connect with the stars behind the scenes.
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