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Nyonya Rice Dumplings/ 娘惹粽的做法和包法 【馬來西亞】

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"我们的视频着重展示美食制作过程,所有食材的来源都符合合法和道德标准。" #Nyonya Rice Dumplings #娘惹粽 #粽子 娘惹粽和鹹肉粽的味道非常不一樣,它是偏甜帶點微辣,香料味較重。一般上娘惹粽子內裹上了豬肉、香菇、冬瓜糖,另外加上用各種香料和蝦米炒香的“閏巴(Rempah)”,和一片班蘭葉在裡面。藍色和米白色的外形,甜和鹹雙劍合璧,這既是視覺上的享受,也是味覺上的滿足。 娘惹粽 Nyonya Rice Dumpling 分量: 18粒 娘惹肉粽 【材料】 800克糯米 40朵藍花 食油 1.5茶匙鹽 小紅蔥碎 蒜蓉 【餡料】 300克花肉(切丁) 6朵泡發香菇(切丁) 30克蝦米 (剁碎) 100克冬瓜糖(切碎), 小紅蔥碎 瓣蒜蓉碎 【調味料】 3大匙豆醬 30克 芫茜粉 20克白胡椒粉 1茶匙黑醬油 1茶匙醬油 150克清水 香蘭葉(剪成2寸長,需要18片) 40 片粽葉和草繩/棉繩 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The taste of Nyonya rice dumplings is very different from that of tradisional rice dumplings. It is sweet and slightly spicy, with a strong spice flavor. Generally, Nonya rice dumplings are wrapped with pork, shiitake mushrooms, winter melon sugar, and "Rempah" fried with various spices and dried shrimps, and a pandan leaf inside. The appearance of blue and off-white, sweet and salty swords, this is not only a visual enjoyment, but also a taste of satisfaction. Nyonya Rice Dumplings Yield: 18 pieces Nyonya Rice Dumplings 【Ingredients】 800 g glutinous rice 40 blue flowers Cooking oil 1.5 teaspoons salt Chopped shallots Garlic 【Filling】 300g pork belly (diced) 6 soaked shiitake mushrooms (diced) 30g dried shrimps (minced) 100g winter melon sugar (chopped), Chopped shallots Garlic cloves minced 【seasoning】 3 tablespoons bean paste 30g coriander powder 20 grams white pepper 1 teaspoon dark soy sauce 1 teaspoon soy sauce (depend) 150g water Pandan leaves (cut into 2 inches long, 18 pieces are needed) 40 pieces of reed leaves and straw rope/cotton rope 歌曲名:구름이 피워낸 꽃 팬 作者:Neal K
