In my heart a dream sings
O Gobind O Gobind
There enthroned is my King
O Gobind O Gobind
As Mahakaal you came
As Mahavatar you remained
Giving life is your love
O my Preserver, O my Yogesvar
From Lord Ram to Sri Krishan
One heart one mission
That culminates in
Love of Paramahans
Gobind is Mahakaal
Gobind is Mahavatar
With one sword he cuts delusion
When Kalki reigns in meditation
But to show God’s true essence
Kalki became Paramahans
Yoganand Paramahans
Mahavatar is the Spirit
Love is his secret
Prem Avatar is the way
For all times…he stays.
God’s true essence
Yoganand Paramahans
My Guru came for me
Inspiring me to seek Gobind
The reviver of vanquished ones
Like me like me
Wah wah these avatars
Krishna Christ Gobind Yoganand
All came to take back home
Souls who were their own
God’s true essence
Yoganand Paramahans
Paramahans Yoganand