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Quais são os efeitos da gratidão sobre o cérebro? O Prof. Pedro Calabrez explica a gratidão sob a perspectiva da psicologia e das neurociências.
- Estudos de atividade cerebral na experiência de gratidão:
Henning M, Fox GR, Kaplan J, Damasio H, Damasio A. A potential role for mu-opioids in mediating the positive effects of gratitude. Frontiers in psychology. 2017 Jun 21;8:868.
Kini P, Wong J, McInnis S, Gabana N, Brown JW. The effects of gratitude expression on neural activity. NeuroImage. 2016 Mar 1;128:1-0.
Emmons RA. Gratitude, subjective well-being, and the brain. The science of subjective well-being. 2008:469-89.
Fox GR, Kaplan J, Damasio H, Damasio A. Neural correlates of gratitude. Frontiers in psychology. 2015 Sep 30;6:1491.
- Benefícios da gratidão para pacientes psiquiátricos:
Wong YJ, Owen J, Gabana NT, Brown JW, Mcinnis S, Toth P, Gilman L. Does gratitude writing improve the mental health of psychotherapy clients? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy Research. 2016 Apr 27:1-1.
- Gratidão e sono:
Wood AM, Joseph S, Lloyd J, Atkins S. Gratitude influences sleep through the mechanism of pre-sleep cognitions. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2009 Jan 1;66(1):43-8.
- Gratidão e relações românticas:
Algoe SB, Gable SL, Maisel NC. It's the little things: Everyday gratitude as a booster shot for romantic relationships. Personal relationships. 2010 Jun 1;17(2):217-33.
- Gratidão e proteção contra doenças:
Mills PJ, Redwine L, Wilson K, Pung MA, Chinh K, Greenberg BH, Lunde O, Maisel A, Raisinghani A, Wood A, Chopra D. The role of gratitude in spiritual well-being in asymptomatic heart failure patients. Spirituality in clinical practice. 2015 Mar;2(1):5.
- Gratidão e bem-estar; exercício das três bênçãos:
Seligman ME, Rashid T, Parks AC. Positive psychotherapy. American psychologist. 2006 Nov;61(8):774.
Seligman, M. (2006). Florescer. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva.
Emmons RA, McCullough ME. Counting blessings versus burdens: an experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life. Journal of personality and social psychology. 2003 Feb;84(2):377.
Watkins PC, Woodward K, Stone T, Kolts RL. Gratitude and happiness: Development of a measure of gratitude, and relationships with subjective well-being. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal. 2003 Jan 1;31(5):431-51.