Obstetric Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images | Fetal, Placenta, Umbilical Cord Pathologies USG
Obstetric Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images | Fetal, Placenta, Umbilical Cord Pathologies USG
0:00 - Intro
0:08 - Normal Brain
1:04 - Mild Ventriculomegaly
1:59 - Moderate Ventriculomegaly
2:21 - Severe Ventriculomegaly
2:32 - Dangling Choroid Plexus
3:04 - Aqueductal Stenosis
3:35 - Hydranencephaly
3:52 - Severe Hydrocephalus
4:06 - Porencephaly
4:17 - Closed Lip Schizencephaly
5:02 - Open Lip Schizencephaly
5:15 - Arachnoid Cyst
5:51 - Choroid Plexus Cyst
6:19 - Alobar Holoprosencephaly
6:55 - Proboscis
7:18 - Hypotelorism
7:44 - Semilobar Holoprosecephaly
8:16 - Lobar Holoprosencephaly
8:30 - Agenesis Of Corpus Callosum
8:47 - Colpocephaly
9:12 - Interhemispheric Cyst
9:28 - Anencephaly
9:53 - Acrania (Exencephaly)
10:11 - Encephalocele
10:41 - Dandy Walker Malformation
11:10 - Vein Of Galen Malformation
11:47 - Intracranial Tumor
12:23 - Intraventricular Hemorrhage
12:57 - CMV infection
13:34 - Chiari 2 Malformation
Fetal Head Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
14:22 - Normal/Cloverleaf Configuration
15:23 - Lemon Shaped Skull
15:40 - Strawberry Shaped Skull
15:55 - Frontal Bossing
16:33 - Brachycephaly
16:52 - Dolichocephaly
17:13 - Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Fetal Face Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
17:41 - Normal Fetal Face
18:43 - Unilateral Cleft Lip
19:16 - Bilateral Cleft Lip & Palate
19:36 - Midline Facial Cleft
19:56 - Premaxillary Protrusion
20:15 - Dacryocystocele
20:44 - Congenital Cataracts
21:09 - Hypotelorism
21:43 - Hypertelorism
21:55 - Cyclopia
22:15 - Anophthalmia
22:26 - Midface Retrusion
22:50 - Absent Nasal Bone
23:07 - Macroglossia
23:19 - Micrognathia
23:35 - Retrognathia
23:45 - Agnathia
Fetal Spine Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
24:04 - Normal Spine
24:47 - Myelomeningocele
25:20 - Spine Defect
25:45 - Diastematomyelia
26:18 - Caudal Regression Syndrome
27:23 - Sacrococcygeal Teratoma
27:52 - Scoliosis
28:07 - Kyphosis
Fetal Chest Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
28:39 - Normal Heart
30:53 - Ventricular Septal Defect
31:19 - Atrioventricular Septal Defect (AV Canal/Endocardial Cushion Defect)
32:04 - Ebstein's Anomaly
32:47 - Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
33:23 - Transposition Of The Great Arteries
34:31 - Tetralogy Of Fallot
35:13 - Double Outlet Right Ventricle
35:33 - Truncus Arteriosus
35:51 - Ectopia Cordis
36:19 - Echogenic Intracardiac Focus
36:35 - Rhabdomyoma
37:04 - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
38:12 - Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation Type 1
38:50 - CPAM Type 2
39:02 - CPAM Type 3
39:15 - Bronchopulmonary Sequestration
39:55 - Bronchogenic Cyst
40:22 - Congenital High Airway Obstruction Syndrome (CHAOS)
41:24 - Pleural Effusion
42:00 - Pericardial Effusion
Fetal Stomach Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
42:50 - Normal Fetal Stomach
44:04 - Gastric Pseudomass
45:11 - Esophageal Atresia
46:27 - Duodenal Atresia
47:49 - Enteric Duplication Cyst
48:13 - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Fetal Bowel Ultrasound Normal Vs Abnormal Images
49:38 - Normal Bowel
50:06 - Duodenal Atresia
50:48 - Jejunal Atresia
51:33 - Dilated Bowel Loops
52:07 - Meconium Ileus
53:10 - Meconium Peritonitis
54:27 - Meconium Pseudocyst
54:58 - Omphalocele
56:13 - Gastroschisis (More timestamps in the pin comment below)