Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a very misunderstood disorder, affecting 1 in every 100 adults and 1 in every 200 teens from all ages, genders and races. Most people will say that they understand what OCD is, almost in a belittling way, they will say they have OCD when they like things clean or to do things a certain way, not realizing that it is one of the most debilitating disorders in the world according to the World Health Organization.
Hear My Story is an organization that seeks to bring hope and healing to people struggling with all kinds of mental health issues through storytelling. We believe it is helpful for both the storyteller and the listener. Our desire was to shine a spotlight on this disorder to help educate people on OCD, bring awareness to the disorder and to give hope to those currently walking through it. We interviewed four brave storytellers who were willing to let us walk with them for a day in their life where they were able to explain thoughts attached to their compulsions and how debilitating it can truly be. We had the privilege of speaking with their families to understand what support has looked like for them and the importance that their support is for their loved ones. Therapists shared their professional knowledge with us in order to bring a deeper and more educated understanding of this disorder.
We hope this documentary brings awareness to this debilitating disease so that healing can be found for more people who struggle with this disorder and more understanding for those who do not understand it. This documentary was made to be shared. Please share with anyone you know who could find this information helpful. If you are looking for help please visit: www.iocdf.com, they have plenty of resources available to find the help you need.
Special thanks to these specialists:
Dr. L. Kevin Chapman, Ph.D., A-CBT, HSPP (@drkevinchapman)
Dr. Jenny C. Yip, Psy.D., ABPP (@drjennyyip)
Dr. Elizabeth McIngvale, Ph.D., LCSW (@drlizocd)
Dr. Aureen Wagner, PH.D.
Dr. Jonathan S. Abramowitz
and to our storytellers:
Thomas Smalley (@irontsmalls)
Hannah Zidansek (@hannahzid)
Chris Trondsen (@christrondsen)
Vanessa Baier (@ocdkidsmovie)