You won't believe the insane challenges we faced during our Atlantic crossing. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean, we experience a number of incidents and accidents , a dismasting, an abandoned fishing boat, and our generator packs in leaving us struggling for electrical power, which has knock on effects on making fresh water, showers , and will will be using more Diesel to run the engine for charging. On the plus side we finally catch a fish a Mahe mahe otherwise known as a Dolphin fish. It's huge and feeds the crew for three days . The wind on passage is light so our speed is low, and with a long ocean swell and hot sun the passage is relaxing and we fall into a rhythm of watches and sail changes. The ocean seems much larger and we seem smaller and more insignificant in the huge blue hills that lift and sway the boat along. The crew finds ways to pass the off watch periods and sit like coiled springs while taking the watch. The abandoned fishing boat was a surprise, and had we come across it at night and hit it it would have been a much more dangerous event. The dismasting came out of the blue on a light wind day in bright sunlight and seemed almost unbelievable until we saw Hilma sans mast, and obviously in plight. It was fantastic how the ARC+ boats (five in number) all appeared from over the visible horizon within a couple of hours and left to supply fuel and moral support , It was an example of how joining a Rally provides support even when you are well outside any shore support that you could expect when near a coastline.'must,big%20boats%20and%20modest%20boats.
#sail into the sunset #sailboat #atlantic #adventure #arc #arc+ #boat #sailingpassion #crossing the Atlantic